Directors and Teams
The Board of Directors is responsible for planning and implementing the MISSION and VISION of the Community of Faith.
- Envisioning the future, engage in strategic decision making, articulate the Mission and Vision of the Community of Faith and hold its members and the Teams accountable for organizational performance and stewardship;
- Creating congregational policy and guiding principles and ensure that these are continually updated in written and digital form and filed in the church office records;
- Reviewing regularly the Community of Faith finances and oversee the budget prior to the Annual Congregational meeting.
Lynda Arnold (Chairperson), Will Gibson (Treasurer), Rev. Diane Knowles, Linda Martin, Sandra Parrott, Jim Schiedl and Nina Semper-Ross.
Communication & Technology Team
Leader: Alastair Dunlop
The purpose of the Communication & Technology Team is to help the congregation become “a vibrant, progressive, innovative” community within and beyond the local church.
The Communication & Technology Team is concerned with:
- Maintaining and updating the Trinity United Church website;
- Publishing the Annual Report;
- Overseeing a range of channels of communication—print and digital—for the church, both internally and externally;
- Overseeing the church bulletin boards, the Welcome brochure and pew pamphlets;
- Providing support and volunteers as requested by the Church Administrator;
- Creating the ability to develop and maintain audio, visual and database/computer systems (e.g. streaming a church service);
- Managing the overall brand identity of the church.
Facility Management Team
Leader: Chuck McClelland
The purpose of the Facility Management Team is to ensure a “well-maintained building” and to encourage Christian Stewardship of it.
The Facility Management Team shall be concerned with:
- Making maintenance plans, long- and short-term for the property, and identifying capital needs;
- Liaising with congregational members who have particular skills and would contribute on an ad hoc basis;
- Maintaining building security and emergency procedures.
Hospitality Team
Leader: Barb Dalziel
The purpose of the Hospitality Team is to help Trinity be “a place of community” where “our hearts are open to all”.
The Hospitality Team shall include representation from the UCW (see Addendum #3) and be concerned with:
- Recognizing opportunities for hosting events for the Trinity congregation and the broader community, coordinating with other teams as needed;
- Coordinating all activities related to food service including
- collaborating with Trinity’s United Church Women on all use of Trinity’s kitchen;
- organizing Sunday morning coffee volunteers.
Ministry and Personnel Team
Leader: Linda Martin
The purpose of the Ministry and Personnel Team is to provide a confidential setting for support, consultations and assessment of all persons employed by the Community of Faith.
NOTE: While this team, like the others, is responsible to the governing body, much of its effective work will be conducted quietly in dialogue with the minister, other staff persons and groups within the congregation. Members of this team must be committed to confidentiality and have gifts of imagination, empathy, willingness to listen and to work with others to effect change. No staff person shall be a member.
The responsibilities of the Ministry and Personnel Team (B.7.8.5) include:
- Being available for consultation and support for matters involving the Community of Faith staff;
- Overseeing the relationship of the Community of Faith staff to each other and to people in the congregation;
- Regularly reviewing the working conditions, responsibilities, and compensation of all Community of Faith staff;
- Making any recommendations needed as a result of these reviews to the governing body;
- Conducting annual performance reviews of the Community of Faith staff;
- Ensuring Community of Faith staff make use of opportunities for continuing education that they have been given;
- Maintaining close contact with the Regional Council Pastoral Relations Committee or equivalent;
- Preparing, reviewing, and revising position descriptions and contracts along with the Minister and the Board of Directors providing input and approval.
Outreach Team
Leaders: Cherryll Demaine and Sylvia Leeder
The purpose of the Outreach Team is “reaching out to all”, helping the Community of Faith to exercise its mandate of justice and love in the world.
The Outreach Team shall be concerned with:
- Ensuring the Community of Faith is regularly informed of the needs of our world on a local, national and international basis using every available means;
- Responding to immediate local needs through the Benevolent Fund, as able;
- Promoting with the Community of Faith the church’s mission at home and abroad through information and mission events;
- Informing the Community of Faith about the Mission and Service Fund, e.g. Minutes for Mission and guest speakers;
- Supporting task forces that may exist from time to time to effect beneficial change in our community and in the world.
Pastoral Care Team
Coordinator: Judy White
The purpose of the Pastoral Care Team is to “encourage and support each other”.
The Pastoral Care Team shall be concerned with:
- Working in conjunction with the Pastoral Care Coordinator and the Minister to determine which members of the congregation require Pastoral Care/visits and who would be best suited to provide this care;
- Encouraging new members by meeting, welcoming and integrating them into the life and programs of our Community of Faith.
In Spirit Team
Leader: Rev. Diane Knowles
The purpose of the In Spirit Team is to “encourage and support each other on our individual faith journeys” providing programs that confirm “Our doors and our hearts are open to all: doubters, searchers, and believers”.
The In Spirit Team shall be concerned with:
- Encouraging a variety of study groups within the Community of Faith and ecumenically;
- Seeking out ways to involve all, with emphasis on youth and young families at Trinity;
- Overseeing Confirmation planning and training in liaison with the Minister.
Stewardship Team
Leaders: Gord Mitchell and Jane Booker
The purpose of the Stewardship Team is to ensure ‘opportunities exist for everyone’ to share their time, talents and financial support.
The Stewardship Team shall be concerned with:
- Educating the Community of Faith on the mission of the United Church, both locally and in the wider church;
- Educating the Community of Faith on the funds needed for this mission and how they will be used;
- Encouraging commitment and participation from the Community of Faith, by promoting and scheduling special events;
- Planning and implementing of financial campaigns to insure the sustainability of Trinity’s programmes.
Worship Team
Leader: Faye McKnight
The purpose of the Worship Team is to encourage the people of God to gather regularly for worship working to become “an inspiring Spirit-filled community”.
The Worship Team shall be concerned with:
- Overseeing, with the minister, the service of public worship including welcoming, the music (choir and organist), lay participation;
- Studying and experimenting in worship;
- Arranging for the Sacraments, including servers and method of serving Communion;
- Arranging special services, speakers, and pulpit and organ supply;
- Overseeing the use of the Sanctuary;
- Overseeing the organist in consultation with the Minister;
- Approving the use of the organ for special occasions, outside of regular church use;
- Overseeing the purchase of choir and organist music, and hymnals and Bibles for use of the congregation;
- Overseeing the use and upkeep of the grand piano in the Sanctuary.
Trinity Trustees
Gord Booker, Julie Brushey, Alastair Dunlop, Doug Farrar, Will Gibson (Team Leader), Diane Litchfield, Rev. Diane Knowles
Shining Waters Regional Representatives
Will Gibson and Sandra Parrott
United Church Women
Chair: Justine McDonnell