“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others” Gandhi

Hello everyone, I’m back!

Marc and I had a wonderful flying visit with my mom who is living in St. John’s. Even though she appears to be slowing down both physically and cognitively we still managed to make some warm, fun-loving memories during our stay.

While we were in Newfoundland, the weather was more typical of Ontario weather- cold and blowing snow. Then we return to Ontario with above seasonal temperatures and fog! Mother Nature is switching things up. Keep the faith- the sun is returning for the week-end!
A big thank you to Rev. Nina for pitch hitting for me in my absence.

It is with a heavy heart I have to tell you that Sylvia Beattie died early Monday morning with her
devoted husband Don, as always, right by her side. Although Sylvia was declining with multiple health issues- her passing sort of came out of the blue on Monday. Don cherished his beloved wife of 65 years. A more attentive and supportive husband Sylvia could not have asked for especially during her recent years of decline. Don was always right there to tend to her every need. He was her husband and caregiver 24/7. When I visited with Don this week, he told me he is feeling a sense of shock but added for Sylvia, her death is perhaps a blessing. As per Sylvia’s request there will be a small private family service at Muskoka Traditions this Saturday
afternoon. A reception to celebrate Sylvia’s warm and loving life may be held at a later date. Don, all of us here at Trinity are holding you with love as you walk through this valley of death. You are not alone.

“Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.” Isaiah 40

We are also holding Jean Fairhall in our healing prayers this week. Her younger brother David Bryson died last week after struggling with heart issues. Jean we are thinking about you and praying you will feel the presence of God through the caring and loving actions of friends and family. ” Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me” 23rd Psalm

As we turn the pages of our calendars this week-end, we look with disbelief that we are starting the month of February. Where did the first month of the new year go? We can almost say spring arrives next month! We are entering a six-week season known as Lent on February 14th- yes, Valentine’s Day is also Ash Wednesday. Here are a couple of Lenten activities you may want to make a note of in your calendars:

  • Valentine Pancake Supper and Ash Wednesday service
    February 14th. 5: 30 supper and 7:00 pm
    church service.
  • “Embracing a Spiritual Awakening” with Diana
    Butler Bass.
    This In-Spirit Circle time begins on Tuesday February 20th between 2-4 pm in the Arnold Room. There are no books to read! Video clips and discussion. The other days include Tuesday 27th, March 5th, Marth 12th, and March 19th. I hope you can make this part of your Lenten journey to Jerusalem this year. Let myself or Suzy know if you
    would like to be part of this time together.
  • “Finding God in the Dark”
    This Lenten Movies series hits the screen on Thursday February 22nd at 7pm. Admission is five dollars and includes popcorn! Best deal in town. Come out and bring a friend and maybe a cushion for the chair if you so desire. Movie titles to be posted shortly.
  • “Coins for Lent”
    Lent is a good time to commit to giving money to a project that helps those in need. This year we are going to involve the whole family in collecting coins and then we will donate the money raised towards a community group who could use a helping hand. I will send out a “Coins for Lent Giving Calendar” which tells us what we have to give a coin for on any given day. For example, you give a coin for every box of cereal you have in your cupboard one day or a coin for every bottle of salad dressing you have in your fridge another day or for every coat in your closet or board game or desk in
    your home another day. You get the idea. A great way to have some family fun while practicing generosity during this time of reflection. Remember donating=loving.
  • Finally, we are launching a Lenten sermon/message series called Wandering Heart. This six-week series will follow one of Jesus’ most famous disciples: Peter. In Peter, we often see ourselves. By following Peter’s journey, we watch the story of Jesus unfold through the eyes of a normal human being trying to figure life out- just like us. Like us too, Peter has a
    wandering heart. His journey is not polished, linear or perfect- but he is always tethered to the love of God. During this time, we will reflect upon the stages of our own faith journey as well as who and what has shaped us along the way. As we wander together, may our hearts be tuned to God’s grace. I hope you plan on making a commitment to take this journey with Peter and Jesus and making this Lent and Easter the most meaningful yet.
  • A couple of reminders for this week and next: Mug up with me is tomorrow (Thursday) at 10 am in the newly renovated Arnold Room. Everyone welcome.

Our Board members meeting is next Tuesday February 6th at 10 am and today is the deadline for submissions for our Annual Report.

Our Annual General Meeting is set for February 25th, 2024. A big thank you to Lynda Arnold for getting these reports in order and for Craig Fairley for helping out with the process too.

Speaking of our AGM, we are doing something a little differently this year. We are having a luncheon prior to our meeting. So, our lunch and meeting will both be held in Trinity Hall. Thank you to Craig and Cathy Fairley for providing this luncheon in their efforts to raise money for their upcoming trip to Kenya, Africa in April. They are both committed to an orphanage there called Home of Grace Care Centre. Cathy will be there for a month. She goes every year- on her own dime may I add. The money raised will go towards buying school supplies, textbooks, and food for families in need. If you would like to check out the website, go to hogcc.org. All donations of more than 20 dollars can be made through the church and you can get a tax receipt for your generous donation. We are called to love our neighbour and our neighbour is anybody in need- in our own backyard or in far off lands. In a world full of hate, we can choose to be a light.

In our Birthday Corner today: Diane Schamehorn is celebrating her birthday today! Happy Birthday Diane! May the joy of your special day go with you through a happy and blessed year ahead. We will sing to you on Sunday morning!

Remember Chuck’s Coffee House is set for Friday night February 17th. This is always a wonderful night of music and community. Spread the word!

May the smile of God brighten your day,

Your faithful servant,



Past issues

From the Minister’s Study – Dec. 2, 2024

From the Minister’s Study – Dec. 2, 2024

“Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1)
Blessed Advent Greetings, everyone!

My Christmas music is playing in the background, my tea needs to be warmed up, and we are now entering the liturgical season of Advent—the four weeks preceding the birth of Jesus. It’s often referred to as the new year for the church. Advent is to Christmas what Lent is to Easter—a time of preparation, reflection, and waiting.

Waiting is exactly what so many people did yesterday as Advent was ushered in with our first winter wallop! Some of us got a better wallop than others. I am told Bracebridge had nearly four feet! Here at my place, I figure we had a little more than a foot of the white stuff. While it may look like a true winter wonderland, it was more of a nightmare for those stranded on the highways at the height of the storm. It was heartening to see the human spirit rise to the occasion as people came out of their homes to help the stranded drivers on the highways. I am relieved that things are slowly but surely returning to normal today.

Because the power was out in Huntsville yesterday, church had to be cancelled. Our phone tree was activated, but clearly, there are a few branches that are in need of our attention. Unfortunately, we had a dozen or more faithful souls who made it to the church only to be told that church was cancelled due to no electricity. Rest assured that the powers to be are on it and working diligently to ensure these problems are solved before the next time our communication tree is put into motion. Please let Lynda Arnold know if you did not get a call. Thank you to Colleen and Larry Mitchell for being our gracious hosts who had to be the bearers of this less-than-desirable news. Your stocking will be extra full this year- Ho Ho Ho! And a big shout out to Judy Hall, who was already shovelling the pathways before 7 am.

This coming Sunday- December 8th- our White Gifts will be received, and Holy Communion will be going ahead as was planned for this past Sunday. We will be lighting two Advent candles. The candles of peace and hope. Hope, especially when life is filled with uncertainty and division, may feel like a hard thing to hold onto. But true hope- the kind Advent calls us to- is not shallow optimism. Rev. Cameron Trimble says “it’s a theological declaration, rooted in the reality of this broken world and God’s promises to love us into wholeness.” Hope is the assurance that, even in the darkest night, the light will come. Rev. Cameron says hope is not a denial of the pain we carry or the brokenness we see. It’s a refusal to let that brokenness have the last world. What are some of the challenges making it harder for you to hold hope right now? Where are you being called to act on behalf of hope, creating a more just and generous world? Let’s take a moment out of our day and make a prayer for hope.

God of Advent,
You see the brokenness of this world,
And You meet us in the midst of it with love and promise.
Help us to pay witness to the suffering and to be a healing presence of hope.
Strengthen us to act with compassion and to trust in Your abiding presence.
May the light of this Advent season guide us
And remind us that, even in the darkness, You are near. Amen.
Together, let us embrace this Advent season with eyes wide open and hearts ready to receive whatever comes. May we hold onto a hope that holds space for all that needs to be repaired while believing in a love that one day will make everything right.

With Christmas a little less than a month away, our Christmas Elves have been busy decking our halls with boughs of holly! A warm shout out to Jim Schiedel, Gord and Jane Booker, Lynda Arnold and Sheila Petch. Thank you for your time and gift of creativity in transforming our sanctuary for both our Advent and Christmas seasons. You will see it all this coming Sunday morning! “Hopefully!”

Speaking of Christmas season, Santa Claus came to town on Friday night and our Christmas Elves welcomed him and all the parade goers with piping hot cups of hot chocolate topped with marshmallows and a candy cane to go! A tip of our cup to Barb and Rob Dalziel, Annie and Norm Mino, Pat Crawford and double duty elves Gord and Jane Booker.

Sally McClelland sent along a Christmas Kindness calendar today which she posted on Facebook. Because I know there are some of you who do not “do” Facebook I have decided to include it in this Advent newsletter. I am renaming it “the be good to one another” calendar!

Birthday wishes this week going out to Nancy Waxl, Colleen Mitchell, Grant Wager and Ethel Robinson who is celebrating her birthday on December 4th. Happy birthday from all your friends here at Trinity United Church and here’s to another trip around the sun!

In our Prayer Circle this week, please keep David and Thelma Beaudry, Rick and Sandra Wearing, Wanda Tizzard, Lynn Montgomery, and Caroline O’Driscoll in your healing meditations and prayers. If you have somebody you would like included in our community prayers just let myself of Suzy at the office know and we will do just that.
And for those of you who ordered those delicious meat pies from Lynne Doyle- you can pick them up in church this coming Sunday too. 25 dollars each. They sold out quickly and a second batch had to be made! Fabulous fundraiser!
Hoping to see you in church this coming Sunday- After all, Tis the season! Come feel the joy as we await the birth of the Spirit of Christ in the mangers of our hearts once again.
Christmas is waiting to be born in you, in me, in everybody!
Advent Blessings and warm cozy hugs from my home to yours,
Rev. D

From the Minister’s Study – Sept. 17, 2024

From the Minister’s Study - September 17, 2024 “I am a spiritual being of God’s creationand God’s spirit infuses me with life; and I am comforted.” Hello everybody, Summer is giving us one more warm hug before Fall officially arrives this Sunday September 22.  I...

From the Minister’s Study – June 20, 2024

June 20th, 2024 “Imagine yourself as a diver on a cliff. Now exhale and dive into the unscripted day. Mark Nepo  Hello and Happy Summer Solstice! Here we are diving into the longest day of the year and our much-anticipated season of summer!  And with that hot and...

From the Minister’s Study – May 10, 2024

“Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy- they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.”  Marcel Proust Let us pray: Spirit of Life, we come together in community here in this online space, as one heart and body. Braid us together.  Let us be...

From The Minister’s Study March 17, 2024

The late evening snow flurries seem oddly fitting for this our last week-end of winter- at least according to our calendars. Spring begins on Tuesday!  I have already heard stories of robins visiting people's gardens and the ice will likely be off the bay here by the...

From The Minister’s Study – March 7, 2024

Hello everybody, Our spring-like weather is continuing for a few more days and Linda Martin tells us they have their first batch of Maple Syrup for the season! It does sound like we are in for lots of rain on the week-end… Did someone say snow? And of course, it's...

From the Minister’s Study – February 28, 2024

" Love changes everything, including us." Trinity United Church is now officially an Affirming United Church faith community. Here at Trinity, we strive to be Jesus-centric as we try to emulate Jesus' radical inclusivity by welcoming all people regardless of what...

From The Minister’s Study – February 21, 2024

"Life is beautiful and terrible, full of hope anddespair and everything in between and there's nocure for being human." Kate Bowler Sister Joan Chittister says " Lent is a time to let life in again." We do this by getting rid of the things that are keeping us small...