The late evening snow flurries seem oddly fitting for this our last week-end of winter- at least according to our calendars. Spring begins on Tuesday! I have already heard stories of robins visiting people’s gardens and the ice will likely be off the bay here by the end of next week.
I came across this short video on St. Patrick this afternoon and it seems to go hand in hand with our message of forgiveness this morning. I couldn’t help myself. I just had to share it with you.You will find the link at the top of this paragraph.
And of course, a tip of our Irish hats to our UCP ( United Church People- lots of men in the kitchen today) for making, preparing and serving a delicious traditional Irish stew luncheon- the Square worked well for take home stews too. Thank you Lynda Martin for taking on that new way of accepting our money.
Coming up this week:
- Awakening Spirituality Circle time 2-4pm in The Arnold Room Tuesday afternoon.
- Don’t forget the deadline for Memorial Easter flowers is this Wednesday. Speak with Suzy if you haven’t already made your donation in memory of your loved ones.
- Chapel service at Fairvern Nursing home Thursday morning
- ” The Gods Must be Crazy” is our final feature film in our Lenten “God in the Dark” series this coming Thursday at 7 pm. Admission 5 dollars- popcorn too. Come and bring a friend.
- Palm Sunday Celebration next Sunday March 24th- Come and join our Palm parade as we celebrate Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week as we make our way to the cross and the empty tomb on Easter Sunday.
Happy Back to school week for all our Lightbeamers!
Irish Blessings!
Rev. D