In-Spirit — Spiritual Nurture

…called to be a Spirit-filled community, reaching out to all and welcoming diversity
Trinity is a very busy church with a wide variety of active groups. The calendar provides information on some of those who meet regularly here at Trinity. If there is a particular area that you are interested in, please call our church office and we will be happy to give you details or hear your ideas.
We invite you to get involved! Everyone is welcome!
Reverend Diane offers a variety of gatherings throughout the year with discussion in many areas. Keep an eye on the homepage of the website for the latest! Everyone is welcome! Some of these are part of our regular schedule while others are special one-time events or series.
Mug up with Diane!
The first Thursday of the month from 10 to 11, September through June, is “Mug Up With Diane” in Trinity’s Arnold Room. Encouraged, informed, and guided by Rev. Diane, we reflect on topics we have the opportunity to share with each other during our time together (with always the option of just listening). Along the way other topics of interest have come up. You are invited to join us!
Spirit Matters
We host occasional short series that allow us to explore topics in some depth. Some of the recent events we have hosted include:
- Embracing a Spiritual Awakening, by Diana Butler Bass — a video series with discussion
- The Spirituality of Aging: Never Too Old for Rock and Roll – Book talk
- For You When I’m Gone: Writing Your Ethical Will — Book Talk and Workshop
- Holy Strollers—Getting out in God’s grand creation of nature walks
Watch the website’s News page for announcements of upcoming Spirit Matters events.
Dock Talk
A series in the summer when we get together on Rev. Diane’s dock to have a spiritual conversation on wide-ranging topics. There’s a rumour of ice cream being involved.
God in the Dark
A weekly series in Lent (the weeks leading up to Easter), which includes screening a “big screen” movie, followed by a short discussion. Of course, popcorn is available.
Therapeutic Touch Practice Group
The group meets at Trinity on the last Monday of every month in the Arnold Room from 1:30 to 3:30 pm. Members of the public are invited to come at 1:30 to have a complimentary Therapeutic Touch treatment. The more experienced Therapeutic Touch Practitioners give these treatments then we carry on with our meeting discussing our Therapeutic Touch experiences and giving each other treatments. Contact Shirley for more information at 705-789-7434 or She can also offer ‘long-distance’ Therapeutic Touch.