From the Minister’s Study – December 31, 2024
Here we are. Standing on the threshold of a brand-new year as we look back on a year that is rapidly coming to an end. Tomorrow will be 2025! Some of you will be out celebrating tonight ringing in the new year with levity, laughter and friends. Others of us will be at home, either alone or with family, sharing our highs and lows, as we wrap up another year. Marc and I often celebrate Newfoundland New Year’s at 10: 30 pm and call it a day!
In the grand scheme of things, today and tomorrow are just another day. Writer Lee Balcolm says “there is nothing particularly unique about New Year’s Eve/Day except the power we give it.” Perhaps that’s true. But I tend to be a bit more enthusiastic about turning the page to a new year. We are given a clean slate. No, we can’t go back and undo the mistakes we made this year but we can let them go and remain where they need to be- in the past. We can look forward to a fresh start. Life is not about getting everything right all the time. It’s not about being perfect. It’s about becoming whole, becoming complete, becoming fully alive human beings says Sister Joan Chittister. I like that. Maybe you have given up making New Year’s resolutions because you know by the middle of January your resoluteness is already gone. I hear you. But we can’t escape the renewed calls to be the “new you” or “best you” in the year ahead. How about instead of trying to be the “new” you, try this year coming year to be the “real” you. No more pretending to be someone you aren’t. It’s time to take off those comforting masks and just be yourself. Be who you are- align your values and dreams with how you show up in the world each and every day. This is what our faith calls us to be. Be the beloved son and daughter we are called to be as Divine Love was birthed into humanity many Christmases ago. We are made in the image of love and we are called to bring love and light into our world. We are called to bring a little heaven here on earth. In all the chaos of the cosmos, in all the uncertainties and challenges that lie ahead, love is the light that will lead us through it all.
Trinity, thank you for being a light to me during my ministry this year. Thank you for showing up. Thank you for your continuing support of our growing spiritual family. But, most importantly, thank you for being “you”, for sharing your unique gifts and shining your beautiful light into our community and afar.
I’m excited to see what adventures 2025 has in store for our faith community!
I hope you plan to continue to journey with me as we grow our hearts and minds together!
Here’s a toast to becoming emotionally and spiritually whole with a heart full of love!
With Jesus as our light and guide, may this be so.
Faithfully yours on this journey we call life,
With gratitude,
Rev. Diane
Community News and Events
Coming up in 2025!
Mug Up with Rev Diane – Thursday, January 9 at 10 in the Arnold Room at Trinity and the first Thursday of the months following (February – June) at 10 am.
Souper Sandwich in Trinity Hall the second Friday of the month from 11:30 – 12:30 with pick up orders available. Choose from homemade soups, sandwiches and desserts!
FundScrip orders are due the first Sunday of the month – every month! Pick up your gas card, grocery card and other familiar vendors with Trinity benefiting ($$!) at no cost to you. See ‘Support Us’ for the order form and more information.
Join us Sunday mornings in person at 10 am in Trinity’s Sanctuary or online any time!
Trinity’s Frosty Fair
Saturday, December 7th
From 12 noon to 2 pm
Join us for ‘High Tea’ – $15.00
Shop Christmas baking, candy, jams and jellies and Pictures in the pews.
See you there.
Advent and Christmas Services
“Oh, Come all ye faithful and ye not so faithful too!”
Ready or not,
the season of Advent and Christmas is upon us once again!
It’s a season of anticipation
and waiting for the Spirit of Christ to be born anew in our hearts.
It’s also a time for unwrapping the true gifts of the Christmas season –
the gifts of hope, peace, joy and love.
The First Sunday in Advent- December 1st, 2024
Today, we are lighting the candle of hope in our Advent wreath.
It’s also White Gift Sunday- warm articles of winter clothing and gift cards are graciously and gratefully received today.
We will also begin our journey to Bethlehem with the serving of Holy Communion. What better way to begin our journey than gathering as a faith community at our table together?
The Second Sunday in Advent- December 8th, 2024
Christmas sweater Sunday- Wear your favourite!
Today, we are lighting the candle of peace in our Advent wreath.
“Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.”
Our Comfort and Hope Service- Thursday, December 19th at 7 pm
Not feeling the Christmas Spirit this year? That’s okay.
Many people are sad and lonely during the Christmas season.
Join us for this service of candlelight and quiet reflection
and hopefully you won’t feel quite so alone.
The Third Sunday in Advent- December 15th, 2024
As we get closer and closer to Christmas,
the lights on our Advent wreath grow brighter and brighter.
The light of the world is about to be born!
“Christmas is waiting to be born- in us, in you, and me.”
Today we light our candle of joy.
The Fourth Sunday in Advent
also known as Christmas Sunday- December 22nd, 2024
Three more sleeps… Today we a celebrating a love
that would have the power to change hearts and transform lives.
Jesus himself came into the world as gift itself
expressing God’s love to the whole world.
Come spend Christmas Sunday with us
and be inspired by this beautiful, ancient story of love.
Kyung- A has a few surprises for us too!
Ho Ho Ho!
Christmas Eve Services- December 24th, 2024
The Christ child is born and the Spirit of Christ is born anew in the managers of our hearts.
Trinity is offering two Christmas services on this Holy night:
5 pm- Family Christmas Eve service-
special treats for our young people- symbolizing Jesus’ birthday cake.
Afterall, Jesus is the reason for the season, right?
6: 30pm- An Old Fashion Christmas Sing- a-Long!
Come and let every heart rejoice!
7:00 pm- Candlelight and Carols-
This is a quieter, more reflective type service as we celebrate the birth of the Christ child in our hearts once more.
Sunday, December 29th, 2024
Come and join us and together, as a church family, we will usher out the old year
and ring in the new on the last Sunday of the year.
Christmas Blessings from our house to yours!
May the love that made the stars be your guiding light.
May the love revealed in Jesus be your hope and inspiration;
And may the love of the ever-present Spirit-
give you courage, joy and hope now and forever more. Amen.
From the Minister’s Study – Dec. 2, 2024
“Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1)
Blessed Advent Greetings, everyone!
My Christmas music is playing in the background, my tea needs to be warmed up, and we are now entering the liturgical season of Advent—the four weeks preceding the birth of Jesus. It’s often referred to as the new year for the church. Advent is to Christmas what Lent is to Easter—a time of preparation, reflection, and waiting.
Waiting is exactly what so many people did yesterday as Advent was ushered in with our first winter wallop! Some of us got a better wallop than others. I am told Bracebridge had nearly four feet! Here at my place, I figure we had a little more than a foot of the white stuff. While it may look like a true winter wonderland, it was more of a nightmare for those stranded on the highways at the height of the storm. It was heartening to see the human spirit rise to the occasion as people came out of their homes to help the stranded drivers on the highways. I am relieved that things are slowly but surely returning to normal today.
Because the power was out in Huntsville yesterday, church had to be cancelled. Our phone tree was activated, but clearly, there are a few branches that are in need of our attention. Unfortunately, we had a dozen or more faithful souls who made it to the church only to be told that church was cancelled due to no electricity. Rest assured that the powers to be are on it and working diligently to ensure these problems are solved before the next time our communication tree is put into motion. Please let Lynda Arnold know if you did not get a call. Thank you to Colleen and Larry Mitchell for being our gracious hosts who had to be the bearers of this less-than-desirable news. Your stocking will be extra full this year- Ho Ho Ho! And a big shout out to Judy Hall, who was already shovelling the pathways before 7 am.
This coming Sunday- December 8th- our White Gifts will be received, and Holy Communion will be going ahead as was planned for this past Sunday. We will be lighting two Advent candles. The candles of peace and hope. Hope, especially when life is filled with uncertainty and division, may feel like a hard thing to hold onto. But true hope- the kind Advent calls us to- is not shallow optimism. Rev. Cameron Trimble says “it’s a theological declaration, rooted in the reality of this broken world and God’s promises to love us into wholeness.” Hope is the assurance that, even in the darkest night, the light will come. Rev. Cameron says hope is not a denial of the pain we carry or the brokenness we see. It’s a refusal to let that brokenness have the last world. What are some of the challenges making it harder for you to hold hope right now? Where are you being called to act on behalf of hope, creating a more just and generous world? Let’s take a moment out of our day and make a prayer for hope.
God of Advent,
You see the brokenness of this world,
And You meet us in the midst of it with love and promise.
Help us to pay witness to the suffering and to be a healing presence of hope.
Strengthen us to act with compassion and to trust in Your abiding presence.
May the light of this Advent season guide us
And remind us that, even in the darkness, You are near. Amen.
Together, let us embrace this Advent season with eyes wide open and hearts ready to receive whatever comes. May we hold onto a hope that holds space for all that needs to be repaired while believing in a love that one day will make everything right.
With Christmas a little less than a month away, our Christmas Elves have been busy decking our halls with boughs of holly! A warm shout out to Jim Schiedel, Gord and Jane Booker, Lynda Arnold and Sheila Petch. Thank you for your time and gift of creativity in transforming our sanctuary for both our Advent and Christmas seasons. You will see it all this coming Sunday morning! “Hopefully!”
Speaking of Christmas season, Santa Claus came to town on Friday night and our Christmas Elves welcomed him and all the parade goers with piping hot cups of hot chocolate topped with marshmallows and a candy cane to go! A tip of our cup to Barb and Rob Dalziel, Annie and Norm Mino, Pat Crawford and double duty elves Gord and Jane Booker.
Sally McClelland sent along a Christmas Kindness calendar today which she posted on Facebook. Because I know there are some of you who do not “do” Facebook I have decided to include it in this Advent newsletter. I am renaming it “the be good to one another” calendar!
Birthday wishes this week going out to Nancy Waxl, Colleen Mitchell, Grant Wager and Ethel Robinson who is celebrating her birthday on December 4th. Happy birthday from all your friends here at Trinity United Church and here’s to another trip around the sun!
In our Prayer Circle this week, please keep David and Thelma Beaudry, Rick and Sandra Wearing, Wanda Tizzard, Lynn Montgomery, and Caroline O’Driscoll in your healing meditations and prayers. If you have somebody you would like included in our community prayers just let myself of Suzy at the office know and we will do just that.
And for those of you who ordered those delicious meat pies from Lynne Doyle- you can pick them up in church this coming Sunday too. 25 dollars each. They sold out quickly and a second batch had to be made! Fabulous fundraiser!
Hoping to see you in church this coming Sunday- After all, Tis the season! Come feel the joy as we await the birth of the Spirit of Christ in the mangers of our hearts once again.
Christmas is waiting to be born in you, in me, in everybody!
Advent Blessings and warm cozy hugs from my home to yours,
Rev. D
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