​March 24th – Palm Sunday at 10 am

Come and join in our Palm Parade as we celebrate Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem before things head south—towards the shadows of the looming cross.

March 28th – Maundy Thursday at 7 pm

Join us for a service reflecting the last night Jesus spent with his friends in the Upper Room.  We will symbolically re-enact Jesus’ actions as he washed his disciples’ feet. A simple Communion will be served in the round.  This is a quiet intimate service. We all leave the sanctuary in silence.

March 29th – Good Friday at 10 am.

We gather at the foot of the cross as we experience the story of Jesus’ final hours on this earth.

March 31st – Easter Morning Celebration! – 10 am

Christ the Lord is Risen today—Alleluia!

Easter Eggs and Easter Bunny too.
​Come and bring the whole family!

“Easter is a story of the lasting power of love, the resiliency of life and the strength of hope.”
—Dr. Nancy Rothwell