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Welcome Back! Volunteer With Us!
We love our volunteers! Sunday morning volunteering is a great opportunity to get involved and be part of creating and building community together.
Check out the options below:
Sunday Morning Greeters
How wonderful it is to be greeted on Sunday morning with a smiling face!
As a Greeter, you have the important ministry of welcoming people
to Trinity United Church before the Sunday morning service.
You bring the welcome and we will set up the orientation sessions
to fill in the blanks.
Sign me up! Contact Suzy at the office.
Scripture Readers
An easy way to get involved on Sunday is to join our roster of scripture readers.
You will be contacted during the week for the upcoming Sunday and asked if you are available to read a specific passage in the service.
You can also sign up in advance for specific dates.
We’ll send a digital copy of the passage to you to practice before Sunday Service. This ministry is open to all ages! Contact Suzy at the office to sign up.
Sunday Coffee Helpers
This ministry of Hospitality is vital to the life and faith of our Trinity community.
Sharing a cup of tea and a kind word after the service is a wonderful way to make new friends
and reconnect with old ones.
We need two volunteers a week to keep the tea and coffee flowing!
Can you help? Contact Barb Dalziel or Suzy at the office.
Communion Servers
We celebrate Holy Communion throughout the seasons of the church year.
Servers hold trays of bread and juice as people partake of the
“Bread of life” and the “Cup of blessing.”
This can be a moving spiritual experience for servers
who are offering these gifts.
If this is something you may like to do,
you can speak with Faye McKnight, our Worship Team leader or contact Suzy at the office.
Light Beamer Volunteers
Our Light Beamer program strives to teach our young people
to shine their precious God-given light into the world.
As a volunteer your job is to provide a welcoming and safe space for children to learn more about the spiritual teachings of Jesus.
Lessons will be provided by one of our Light Beamer leaders.
You are also welcome to be a volunteer to help as needed.
If you like the idea of growing young hearts,
give Jeannette McCullough a call or contact Suzy at the office.
Audio and Visual Assistants
Lights, camera, action!
Want to help out our Technology Team on Sunday mornings?
Since COVID our online ministry has now become an essential part
of our outreach into our community and beyond.
The church has left the building!
Come and learn how to become part of this important ministry
in our church community. Training provided.
Contact Alastair Dunlop or Suzy at the office.
Choir Members
Like to sing?!
Trinity’s Choir offers a wide variety of music to present
during our Sunday morning worship!
Practices are Thursdays at 4 in Trinity’s Sanctuary.
If this is something you may like to do, let our Director of Music,
Kyung-A know or contact Suzy at the office.
Drivers for Sunday Service
Our weekly Sunday Worship Service is a wonderful way
to wrap up one week and begin the next.
Unfortunately, not everybody has transportation to get them to our church building.
If you are comfortable picking someone up on your way to church,
we have folks who could use a ride!
Let Suzy know that you can offer this service!
Souper Sandwich Helpers
From September to May on the second Friday of the month,
you can help by donating your time in Trinity’s kitchen,
making sandwiches, soups, desserts,
delivering the take-outs, and/or setting up table
We welcome more volunteers.
Contact Nancy Waxl or Suzy at the office.
Thank you for considering being a volunteer this year
at Trinity United Church.
Desmond Tutu said it best
“do your little bit of good where you are;
it’s those little bits of good put together
that overwhelm the world.”
We can accomplish far more when we work together
because every little bit
that someone has to offer- time, talent
or treasure- matters.
You matter! Together, we’re better!
As followers of Jesus,
we are called to be the heart,
feet and hands of Christ in our church
and in our communities.
Come join our growing ministry team here
at Trinity United Church!
Autumn blessings,
Rev. Diane